Life Inc.

A decade ago I connected with award-winning writer, documentary filmmaker and scholar, Douglas Rushkoff after reading his book, Life Inc. The book explains how the history of the corporation manipulated the way we approach commerce, and its influence in all facets of our lives. It was a revelation and the premise of the concept fit perfectly with the Artist As Brand philosophy and curriculum…

WE ARE SOVEREIGN CREATIVE INDIVIDUALS not to be ruled by corporations, banks, governments, who harken back to the ignorance of the Dark Ages.

It’s up to us to create a new economy based on the value of what we can bring, as individuals, to the world.

Understanding the history behind life styles, and economic models we grew up with, can help us create new ones. Watch his nine minute film and you will see your potential in a whole new light.

As creative individuals we do not need to fit into outmoded industrial paradigms, or conversely, todays overly hyped technological future. Be the change you want to see in your world.