Posts tagged music
A New Path to Success

Learning to create a new economic paradigm for yourself can feel daunting. We all want to relax in the lap of corporate and economic models we were brought up with, even though most people hate their job. There is security knowing we are going to be taken care of by larger business entities that have planned for economic downturns and other market changes, right?

There will always be a job out there for us, right?

However, who just wants a JOB (just over broke)? Most people today are looking for a vocation that aligns with a deeper purpose. A job can work out fine if it aligns enough with who we are as a person. Even flipping burgers can be a start for something larger if your calling is about becoming a chef!

Living as a freelance artist for 28 years gave me a certain perspective on the economy as I had my feet in the corporate world but still remained independent of it. Living and working as a sole proprietor gave me a certain resiliency and exercised my creative brain powers into thinking differently. Cranking up my innovative capabilities or aligning with those who were in "the flow" increased my chances for manifesting other income possibilities.

Check out this great article 10 Artists Explain How They Became Art Entrepreneurs. Innovation and re-invention are vital components to creating new paths of success– like taking the best of the Artist As Brand Workshop and turning it into a self guided online version. Create your own economy, in your unique new way!

Heads up! The Artist As Brand June Discount is ending July 1st! Save $100 on the online course which includes an hour consultation!

Path to success is no longer labeled

Learning to create a new economic paradigm for yourself can feel daunting. We all want to relax in the lap of corporate and economic models we were brought up with. There is security knowing we are going to be taken care of by larger business entities that have planned for economic downturns and other market changes, right? There will always be a job that our skill set can fill, right?Living as a freelance artist for 28 years gave me a certain perspective on the economy as I had my feet in the corporate world but still remained independent of it. Living and working as a sole proprietor gave me a certain resiliency and exercised my creative brain powers into thinking differently. Cranking up my innovative capabilities or aligning with those who were in "the flow" increased my chances for manifesting other income possibilities.Check out this great article Path to success is no longer labeled in the Los Angeles Times on how musicians and bands are shifting their marketing principles. Innovation and re-invention are key components I stress in the Artist As Brand workshops to create your own economy.PeaceGreg