Getting Unstuck: Unblocking Creativity

Feeling stuck in a creative rut? It happens to the best of us! The good news is, there are ways to get unstuck! The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is a great workbook to help recover your creative self. The Artist As Brand course has helped hundreds of artists get inspired by building a meaningful business with their art. The main thing is to find ways to connect with your inner artist and fill your creative well.

Whether you're into painting, drawing, writing, or filmmaking, there are plenty of ways to get those creative juices flowing. Start by surrounding yourself with things that inspire you—visit art museums, read books, listen to music that moves you. Dance! Play!

Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try new things. Take a painting class, join a writing group, or experiment with different mediums. The more you expose yourself to new experiences, the more likely you'll be to stumble upon that next great idea.

And remember, creativity is a muscle—the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. Set aside time each day to work on your craft, even if it's just for 10 minutes. Before you know it, you'll be deep in the flow state making something original and inspiring.