Posts tagged art seminar
Clarity: Artist As Brand

Whenever a new idea is born it is often greeted with awe, disdain or simply, ‘What?’

When the synapses in my brain aligned to create a class on artist empowerment and prosperity, it was crystal clear as to the concept and worth of what I was manifesting. However, the idea of Artist As Brand is so unique to any education taught in any school, college or university out there, so it's understandable that there are some questions about what it is I teach exactly. This post is going to clarify the principles/manifesto of this course (some call it a movement) and exactly what value you will receive from your time and $295 investment.

What is Artist As Brand?

The goal of Artist As Brand is to connect the individual to their purpose, art and prosperity. Connecting your art deeply with your truth creates a mark that is so authentic and profound it embodies a unique power. Align this vision with your individual collectors through targeted marketing techniques and you begin to build a one-of-a-kind art empire that can sustain you financially for the rest of your life.

ARTIST art·ist [ahr-tist]–noun 1. A person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria. 2. A person who practices one of the fine arts. 3. A person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc… A commercial artist. 4. A person who works in one of the performing arts, actor, musician, singer; dancer, public performer. 5. A person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.

BRAND [brand]–noun and verb 1. Kind, grade or make, as indicated by a stamp, trademark or the like. 2. A mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc… 3. A kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic. 4. To impress indelibly. 5. A brand name.

The essence of these two words together can be defined thus: A creator who has made their mark!

Some fine artists scoff at the word brand. Whether you like the word or not, all visionary creators throughout time who have made their mark on humanity are brands. They are remembered for their impact on the collective consciousness of the planet and many are household names. I call the Artist As Brand workshop an artist boot camp because it is highly focused with the intention of aligning and defining (in some instances re-aligning and re-defining) the purpose and direction of an individual's career path. We start deep in the heart and move outwards connecting your talent to your marketing, patrons and collectors so there is perfect alignment.

The knowledge for this workshop is derived from 28+ years working as a professional artist inside and outside of the publishing, film and gallery industries as well as teaching higher education.

The following is an outline of the course and what students will learn and come away with. This is an evergreen online course. Students get lifetime access to the course including all future updates and resources.

MODULE ONE: DECLARE YOUR PURPOSE: You will learn your Core Virtue. Knowing your core virtue is the first step to establishing a foundation which your career is built upon. This intimate part of yourself is a driving force in your life. It goes deeper than your art. Declaring your core purpose aligns your heart with your art in a profound manner.

Design a Personal Logo/Heraldic Shield: You will create a simple image that will represent what you just learned about yourself. It will represent your Core Virtue.

Design a Vision Board: This template is defined by everything you love in your life—what turns you on and keeps you motivated as a unique individual. The Vision Board represents the niche markets that will be your domain and will make up your one-of-a-kind art empire.

Practice The Art of The Blurb: You will learn how to introduce and represent yourself to people. Most artists do not have a clue how to speak with others about who they are and what they do. This exercise is designed to increase your confidence and generate interest in who you are and what you have to offer.

Every workshop includes special lectures by esteemed individuals who encompass the Indie Art Spirit. Guests include art writer Peter Clothier, licensing expert Maria Brophy, social media master and botanical perfumer Roxana Villa.

MODULE TWO: PLAN YOUR BRAND: You will learn to design your art and product line. We will look at artists who are successful in this area and discuss new approaches to making income from your art. We will define what art and products can manifest from your Vision Board.

Create An Innovative Marketing Blueprint: You will learn to create a marketing blueprint that integrates high tech and high touch medias. We look at these two very different but synergistic marketing models. You learn how to best utilize these promotional mediums.

Learn The Simple Yet Powerful Art of Business and Commerce: Are you an art hobbyist or an art professional? This is a short lecture on straight up, common sense business practices. If you are selling art, you are a business. Start acting like one.

Connect With Artist Entrepreneur Leaders: Learn to create a community and hook up with those who are successful in order to keep yourself inspired and in the company of great people.

MODULE THREE: EMPOWER YOUR PROSPERITY: Commit to sustainability. You will design a five-year marketing strategy that takes a serious look at your finances, living situation and overall goals personally and professionally. What is possible? Connecting to your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).

Recognize the Potential of Team Building and The Power of a Mastermind: Your peers can be some of your greatest assets from a personal, professional and moral support capacity. You will start this process right in the class!

Conceptualize a Product Ready for Manufacture: We begin to look at the details of what it’s going to cost in labor, time and materials to create a product from start to finish.

Review: In addition participants will have access to other career enhancing promotional opportunities only available to Artist As Brand students! Some of these details can be found on the ABOUT page. Now you are ready to create your own Art Empire!

I hope this information helped to clarify the purpose and design of my class. Come on and join the Indie Art Revolution! Sign up today! Lifetime access is included and you may complete the class online at your own pace.

See what participants are saying.

To Your Artist Empowerment and Prosperity,


Living From The Inside Out

Do you live your life from the outside in? Or from the inside out?

With our responsibilities, bills, relationships, media and all the stuff we fill our existence with, much of the time it's as if the world is telling us how to live our lives. It's no wonder we feel we are pulled in many directions at once and have less time in a day to accomplish our goals, let alone think about ourselves.

In the cult of multi-tasking with electronic gadgetry, (which my students insist does not impede upon their studies) research is showing that it does not really help us to focus or accomplish our tasks any more efficiently throughout the day. When the circumstances of the world feel like they dictate our every move, we can become overwhelmed. Sound familiar? Much of this depends on how we perceive ourselves and the reality around us. Perception is an act of creation.

One of the blessings of my creative life is the ability to brainstorm and manifest lots of ideas. Once my mind gets those RPM's up to speed, it’s hard to stop—especially when I want to sleep at night. When I found the secret of meditation it calmed the chattering monkeys inside my head enough for me to rest. However, the real benefit of meditation for me came from the introspection that graced my consciousness over time. I learned the benefits of living from the inside out.

This post is not so much about the virtues of meditation as it’s about taking some time to understand who you really are and what you are really about. When you live your life from the center of your being, events around you begin to look very different.

Greg Montana is a life coach committed to seeing people discover and follow their true purpose. He helped me see mine clearly so I can help others too. Greg has a freetransformational teleseminar that you might want to check out. Another path to finding who you are is to have a good conversation with yourself. This may sound crazy at first, but its just another form of introspection. Check out this Blog post by Chris Guillebeau and take a step inside who you really are. Once you start living from the inside out you will view yourself differently, understand your motivations more clearly, make decisions more calmly, and probably get a better nights sleep!

To your truth!


The Heart is a Generator

What sustains your creativity?

Could it be new electronic toys, fashionable attire, fascinating information, splendid entertainment, food, money, sex, drugs, rock and roll?

Long term creativity is sustained by your heart. Creativity connected to your true essence will sustain you for the long run. When not in alignment with your core virtue, boredom, unhappiness, and lethargy creep in.

Creativity is like the electrical juice coming from a car battery. If the engine is hooked up properly it recharges the battery allowing it to last a long time. If there is a disconnect somewhere and the battery does not receive that returning jolt of energy, its power is drained and can die much faster than expected.

Loving what you do will help you keep on keeping on when ideas become scarce and economic downturns put the squeeze on.

The Los Angeles Times article on "A writing career becomes harder to scale" by Dani Shapiro talks about the struggles authors expected to confront  as they gained experience in the publishing world. But now it is sell -- or else. Writers like visual artists must confront the realities of a changing publishing paradigm when it comes to promotion and selling product. In the face of these changes focusing on the source of your power  keeps the battery of creativity charged and ready to go.

Knowledge of your product line, marketing tactics, long term strategies  work only if they are built upon the foundation of knowing what you love. Those individuals who are connected to the source of their true being whether selling their art, writing, music, film, etc. can keep a career energized.

Shapiro reflects, “Each time we sit down to create something, we are risking our whole selves. But when the result is the transformation of anger, disappointment, sorrow, self-pity, guilt, perverseness and wounded innocence into something deep and concrete and abiding -- that is a personal and artistic triumph well worth the long and solitary trip.”

Remain committed to empowering truth within yourself, then experience the bliss of your artful journey.


A brand by any other name...

What does Artist As Brand mean?

ARTIST art·ist [ahr-tist]–noun

1. a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.

2. a person who practices one of the fine arts.

3. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.

4. a person who works in one of the performing arts, actor, musician, singer; dancer, public performer.

5. a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill

BRAND [brand]–noun and verb

1. kind, grade, or make, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like.

2. a mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc.

3. a kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic.

4. to impress indelibly.

5. a brand name.

What do Michelangelo, Beeple, Geogia O’Keeffe, Andy Warhol, Tom Cruise, Auguste Rodin, Apple, Beyonce, Frida Kahlo, Porsche, Picasso, Damien Hirst, Mark Ryden, Annie Leibovitz, James Jean, Greenpeace, Maxfield Parrish, Ray Bradbury, Joseph Beuys, and Emily Blunt, all have in common? They are all brands. A brand is a purpose transformed into a product or service that connects to people, the planet, and beyond.

The key word here is purpose, and specifically your purpose. This is where the heart of your essence resides, where your most potent art manifests, and the strength of your perseverance matures. The purpose inside you aligned with your personal vision is the foundation of your creative power. When your heart is joined with your art, a vital one of a kind signature is formed. This brand is unique to you and your intimate product.

The word “brand” is derived from the Old Norse brandr, meaning “to burn.” It refers to the practice of burning a mark (or brand) onto a products.

The artist’s mark is unique to its owner even if its a copy of something else. However the ambition of most artists is to make a mark that touches their so audience deeply, it burns this symbol into memory. The lifetime of a creative mind can burn a series of meaningful marks into the mindset of a generation, but if their passion is great its possible to start a fire that contributes a brighter light to the world.

Sign up for the October, Online Group Workshop. Your art, life and prosperity will never be the same!

Life Inc.

A decade ago I connected with award-winning writer, documentary filmmaker and scholar, Douglas Rushkoff after reading his book, Life Inc. The book explains how the history of the corporation manipulated the way we approach commerce, and its influence in all facets of our lives. It was a revelation and the premise of the concept fit perfectly with the Artist As Brand philosophy and curriculum…

WE ARE SOVEREIGN CREATIVE INDIVIDUALS not to be ruled by corporations, banks, governments, who harken back to the ignorance of the Dark Ages.

It’s up to us to create a new economy based on the value of what we can bring, as individuals, to the world.

Understanding the history behind life styles, and economic models we grew up with, can help us create new ones. Watch his nine minute film and you will see your potential in a whole new light.

As creative individuals we do not need to fit into outmoded industrial paradigms, or conversely, todays overly hyped technological future. Be the change you want to see in your world.

A New Path to Success

Learning to create a new economic paradigm for yourself can feel daunting. We all want to relax in the lap of corporate and economic models we were brought up with, even though most people hate their job. There is security knowing we are going to be taken care of by larger business entities that have planned for economic downturns and other market changes, right?

There will always be a job out there for us, right?

However, who just wants a JOB (just over broke)? Most people today are looking for a vocation that aligns with a deeper purpose. A job can work out fine if it aligns enough with who we are as a person. Even flipping burgers can be a start for something larger if your calling is about becoming a chef!

Living as a freelance artist for 28 years gave me a certain perspective on the economy as I had my feet in the corporate world but still remained independent of it. Living and working as a sole proprietor gave me a certain resiliency and exercised my creative brain powers into thinking differently. Cranking up my innovative capabilities or aligning with those who were in "the flow" increased my chances for manifesting other income possibilities.

Check out this great article 10 Artists Explain How They Became Art Entrepreneurs. Innovation and re-invention are vital components to creating new paths of success– like taking the best of the Artist As Brand Workshop and turning it into a self guided online version. Create your own economy, in your unique new way!

Heads up! The Artist As Brand June Discount is ending July 1st! Save $100 on the online course which includes an hour consultation!

The Illusion of Fear and Security

Whenever artists decide to go it alone, make their own way,  fear comes along for the ride.

As freelancer for so many years I understand where this fear comes from. The goal of being secure in your finances, being safe in general  (food, clothing, shelter) are real considerations and pounded into our brains since we were kids. However fear is also an illusion. What would it feel like if the concept of security was an illusion too? Would it freak you out?

We live in an unpredictable world. What I have learned over these many years of going it alone is that security is an illusion. Making friends with that reality brings a sense of freedom and empowerment. I can do what I can in this moment to live in my highest potential and reap the fortunes of what life has to offer. It is a mind set most people are not used to.

The following is short post by Chris Guillebeau that touches on this concept too:

“Micro-entrepreneurship is changing the world. The best opportunities in the new economy are centered on creating your own assets. It doesn’t matter who wins a U.S. election, at least not in terms of how the economy affects you. No matter what happens, the unemployment rolls will continue to be full. Perhaps even worse, many people will remain underemployed by working at jobs that offer few benefits and little opportunities for advancement.

Speaking of opportunities, however, there are now more than ever before. It’s never been easier to take matters into your own hands. All over the world, people are thinking differently about risk and security, and many of them are taking action on their new perspectives. This is a good thing.

What is risky? Whether you work a “real job” or strike out on your own, relying on someone else is risky. What is secure? Creating your own freedom through side projects, independent work, instant consultancies, and creative self-employment of all kinds. What is freedom? The ability to make your own choices. Ultimately, freedom relates to value, which is taking responsibility for yourself by making something valuable for someone else. More...

A Brand by any other name

ARTISTart·ist [ahr-tist]–noun1. a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.

2. a person who practices one of the fine arts.

3. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.

4. a person who works in one of the performing arts, actor, musician, singer; dancer, public performer.

5. a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill

BRAND[brand]–noun and verb1. kind, grade, or make, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like.

2. a mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc.

3. a kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic.

4. to impress indelibly.

5. a brand name.

What do Michelangelo, Ralph Lauren, Geogia O’Keeffe, Andy Warhol, Clint Eastwood, Auguste Rodin, Apple, Sting, Frida Kahlo, Porsche, Picasso, Damien Hirst, Mark Ryden, Annie Leibovitz, Henry Moore, Greenpeace, Maxfield Parrish, Ray Bradbury, Joseph Beuys, and Elizabeth Taylor, all have in common? They are all brands.

A brand is a purpose transformed into a product or service that connects to people, the planet, and beyond. The key word here is purpose, and specifically your purpose. This is where the heart of your essence resides, where your most potent art manifests, and the strength of your perseverance matures. The purpose inside you aligned with your personal vision is the foundation of your creative power. When your heart is joined with your art, a vital one of a kind signature is formed. This brand is unique to you and your intimate product.

The word “brand” is derived from the Old Norse brandr, meaning “to burn.” It refers to the practice of producers burning their mark (or brand) onto their products. In the beginning, before multi-national corporations, before boards of directors and proxy fights, before mergers and franchises and takeovers, there were family businesses founded on individual enterprise or invention. Before the corporate image or the company logo, there was the individual name stamped on a product, a service, a laborsaving device, or a form of entertainment, usually because it was the proud handiwork of one individual.

The artist’s mark is unique to its owner even if its a copy of something else. However the ambition of most artists is to make a mark that touches their so audience deeply, it burns this symbol into memory. The lifetime of a creative mind can burn a series of meaningful marks into the mindset of a generation, but if their passion is great its possible to start a fire that contributes a brighter light to the world.

Peace and passion, Greg Spalenka

CURA Workshop

The workshop at CURA in Orange, CA was amazing! Thank you to Carolin Hosac Peters for inviting me. Ron Brown, Dean White, Aixa Oliveras, April Solomon, Katlin Evans, Jeni Geneva are a very talented group of artists and I was honored to be in their presence.

More to come!

Online Class

I am creating an Artist As Brand® Online Class. This comprehensive course will be akin to my college level classes, but entirely online. Posts for this website are on hold until the course is available, which is slated for early 2018.The AAB website will return with a new design and purpose. I will still be available for consultations and one on one workshops during this time. I shall be updating the progress over the next few months.Keep living in your art spirit!

AAB One on One

I present Artist As Brand classes predominately at Colleges and Universities. However, when I have the opportunity to work with small groups of people, or even better with one or two individuals then the focus goes incredibly deep and it is amazing what can be be revealed!Joan Marie is a talented, high energy, extremely positive, forward looking, visionary artist who flew in from St. Luis to Los Angeles for a mentoring session. Talk about commitment! Her daughter Brittany Bishop a Landmark Forum representative and biofeedback assistant joined us to see about getting more clarity about her career path. We had some amazing breakthroughs!One of the segments of the AAB curriculum is to create  a Vision Board that defines those parts of ourselves that bring us tremendous joy. These parts turn into specific projects or products that are then directed toward a niche audience. It is surprising that most artists do not use an inside out approach to defining their talent and its potential.Even though Joan is very intuitive she was not certain of what she really wanted to create. After some digging it became apparent that latent theatrical talents (dancing, acting, lecturing) had been hidden from sight, but now they burst forth with the power of a tidal wave. Now her art vision includes a very personal theatrical production (in the works) that will include all her paintings and a message of confidence and hope to people everywhere. It is auspicious that Joan has been a high school art teacher for decades!

Joan's Core Virtue

Brittany is a very smart, self confident individual but was still defining her career path. It became clear that she was intimately connected with the science of the heart and nature, specifically the trees. It was also learned that she loves EDM's (Electronic Dance Music) and events. So we put these elements together and now she is researching how to produce an EDM type show that connects people's hearts to the trees or more succinctly, to their own essential nature.

Brittany's Core Virtue

It is an honor and a blessing to facilitate this work with people and a joy to see the result! In fact no sooner had Joan returned home  The Mogal Muse Magazine printed an article about her! Go Joan!

Fearless Creativity

©Greg Spalenka

This post by Daniellexo, Etsy’s Seller Education Coordinator reflects on the evolution of ideas and how a good idea can spark a great one.

One morning I woke up to a Facebook message from one of my favorite college professors. I was excited to hear from her; she taught me so many lessons about creativity, and I often think about her when I’m sketching or working on new designs. Soon after we connected on Facebook, I caught one of her updates,

“Even if they seem like good solutions, avoid ‘clenching’ ideas. Hold them lightly, let them evolve and swim. Good ideas often transform into great ones if you give them enough room to play!”

I think I’ve had good ideas, but I know I often don’t give my ideas enough room to play. I wondered why that was, and I set out to write my own plan of attack. Here’s that plan-

The Illusion of Fear and Security

©Greg Spalenka

Whenever artists decide to go it alone, make their own way,  fear comes along for the ride. As freelancer for so many years I understand where this fear comes from. The goal of being secure in your finances, being safe in general  (food, clothing, shelter) are real considerations and pounded into our brains since we were kids. However fear is also an illusion. What would it feel like if the concept of security was an illusion too? Would it freak you out? We live in an unpredictable world.What I have learned over thirty years of going it alone is that security is an illusion. Making friends with that reality brings a sense of freedom and empowerment. I can do what I can in this moment to live in my highest potential and reap the fortunes of what life has to offer. It is a mind set most people are not used to. The following is short post by Chris Guillebeau that touches on this concept too:Micro-entrepreneurship is changing the world. The best opportunities in the new economy are centered on creating your own assets.It doesn’t matter who wins the U.S. election, at least not in terms of how the economy affects you. No matter what happens, the unemployment rolls will continue to be full. Perhaps even worse, many people will remain underemployed by working at jobs that offer few benefits and little opportunities for advancement.Speaking of opportunities, however, there are now more than ever before. It’s never been easier to take matters into your own hands. All over the world, people are thinking differently about risk and security, and many of them are taking action on their new perspectives. This is a good thing.What is risky? Whether you work a “real job” or strike out on your own, relying on someone else is risky.What is secure? Creating your own freedom through side projects, independent work, instant consultancies, and creative self-employment of all kinds.What is freedom? The ability to make your own choices.Ultimately, freedom relates to value, which is taking responsibility for yourself by making something valuable for someone else.More...

Southern Utah University

Cedar City Airport

I departed the plane at Cedar City airport and walked into what appeared to be a living room or a snuggly lodge in the mountains. Plush chairs, side tables with plants, wood paneling and a fireplace greeted me with a down home quality I had never experienced in an airport before. It was really nice!When Ben Sowards invited me to present a workshop at Southern Utah University I jumped at the opportunity. Ben had taken the workshop at BYU two years earlier and now wanted to share the experience with his students.Cedar City is known for Bryce Canyon Natl. Park. and its Shakespeare Festival. It has many cute Inns and Bed & Breakfasts. I stayed at the Big Yellow Inn an elegant Georgian Revival Bed & Breakfast.

The students, faculty and alumni at SUU were so warm and friendly I felt embraced like family. Ben took me to the Centrum Arena where I lectured to an audience of two hundred.


Some of the SUU Workshop Participants (Ben is on the left)

The workshop was more intimate and filled with a group of enthusiastic students, alumni and faculty. I love seeing the lights go on in people's hearts and minds when they dive into the work and see themselves clearly. For many it is a powerful and cathartic when this happens so there are always tears at my workshops. This group jumped in with open hearts and much transformation was realized.


After that first realization they focus on melding their talent with the entrepreneurial spirit. There is real excitement when they recognize the potential of their unique ideas becoming reality. Building an industry around their creations instills a sense of freedom. It still takes fortitude and hard work but at the end of the day the productions are their own and so is the prosperity.


Student, Vachelle Thomas had this to say: "The Artist As Brand workshop was truly transformational. I feel so hopeful, like I have never felt before, and I want to thank you. I've spoken about the workshop daily, with people who attended and with others, to refine my core virtue statement and to sound out opportunities."

That's the spirit, Vachelle! I am looking forward to seeing the results of this group's passion.


The morning before I flew back to LA, Ben took me to see the sun rise over Zion's Kolob Canyon.


It was spectacular.

Thanks Ben! And thank you to all my new art spirit friends in Cedar City.

All photos by Ben Sowards.

Guiding Lights

Christine Brown

One of the best parts of teaching, lecturing and presenting workshops for higher education is the people I meet. I love connecting with all the talented, passionate individuals who enjoy teaching and inspiring others to greatness. Some of these special people work in the Career and Professional Development departments. Recently, I lectured at the AICAD and CIAD conferences at Ringling College of Art and Design and learned much about this group of professionals who guide students toward career opportunities.

Let's celebrate one of them!

Christine Brown is the Director of Career and Professional Development at Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University.

GS: Tell us about your journey to becoming a Director for Career and Professional Development at Kendall.

CB: Like most people it was not a straight and narrow path but more like a bouncing balloon. It was a journey of learning about myself. I started out in college studying biology and chemistry, then becoming very interested in law and finally graduating with a Business and a Paralegal degree. There was something common in my choices of the various majors and it became more apparent when I began to volunteer at the local Women's Resource Center. I wanted to empower people. I discovered that whatever occupation I chose, working with people to improve their quality of life had to be a big component of the job. Whether graduating with a law degree and working for children's and women's right's or becoming a health care provider I wanted to make a difference.I had a couple of wonderful mentors who saw my passion. They provided me with the opportunity and training to work and volunteer helping students in a college environment as well as at the Women's Center. You cannot help but grow and flourish when you are doing what is your passion. I worked in Career Services at the business college where I received my degree, then asked to interview for the Director of the Career Office at Kendall in 1998. I have been here since and enjoy coming to work everyday.

Besides the paycheck, the real pay off is the box of letters and thank you notes I receive from people who feel that I made a difference.

.GS: It is wonderful when your work is aligned with what you love. What do you feel is the most important and fulfilling facets of what you do?

CB: That I have the opportunity to meet so many students, alumni, and people in the business community, then bringing these constituents together.GS: After returning from the AICAD and CIAD conferences it was apparent that much of the career councilors work is gathering statistics for government funding, fulfilling accreditation requirements, and seeking out job openings for graduates. The amount of bureaucracy you must wade through is immense. How do you prioritize these responsibilities and how does the student fit in?CB: We have had to be smarter in the way we work. Technology has become and important part of the equation in delivering services and information to our students and alumni. I am a one person office with an assistant which I share with another director. When I started enrollment was 550. We are now at an enrollment of 1400 so I have to be creative. I believe my mission is to prepare these students to be self-sufficient and resourceful. I still meet with students one-on-one, but the traffic is down due to the technology we have implemented. Students today like having 24/7 access online to services.GS: Self-sufficiancy is vitally important to sustainability. How do you learn the needs, and ambitions of your individual students?CB: Shut-up, Listen and Observe!GS: Sounds like good advice!It appears that the success of much higher education today is determined by its job placement capabilities. Preparing and plugging graduates into industry positions is a priority. I have never seen curriculum that focuses on creating an industry around an individual's talent and vision. Any thoughts on this?CB: I do not place people in jobs. I provide them with the skills to manage their careers whether it is job searching or starting their own business. Many of our alumni who come to the college and share their stories with our students are running their own consultancies. I personally would like to see more business-related classes geared towards artists and designers. West Michigan has some great support resources for anyone wanting to start a business. Just by the nature of art and design, most artists/designers should be prepared to negotiate contracts, work with clients, price their work, understand their markets and create new markets.GS: It has been my experience especially over the last decade that more and more students as well as professional artists are looking for ways to create a living from their own creations and stories. Have you noticed this shift at Kendall?

Yes, entrepreneurialism is on the rise.

.With the all the new community resources, business education and venture capitalists in West Michigan, I see more people making that leap. It is great to see how many of our graduates have opened their own design studios, art businesses and galleries. I recently met with our new college President who asked me what ideas I see in the future for Kendall. My response was to develop an entrepreneurial center/incubator for artists and designers. Guess what? He liked the idea and said he was sure there were grants and funding for this type of endeavor.

GS: Wow, that is awesome. Go to the top when you want to get something done!  The entrepreneurial center/incubator for crowd funding etc. are ideas all colleges/universities can implement now.You were instrumental in bringing me to Kendall last year to present an Artist As Brand workshop, and are now having me return again this November. What has been the feedback of the students, faculty and alumni?CB: I had students and alum who attended the weekend session call or stop by my office to thank Nancy and myself for sponsoring your visit. It was a great success and attendees felt they were connecting the dots of their life, aspirations and their work. There was excitement in the room because they felt like they had a focus and a direction. It was always there inside of them, but you gave them the window to look inside and discovery it themselves.

Artist As Brand Workshop at Kendall 2011

GS: That is wonderful to hear, thank you. I look forward to returning! One of the goals in the workshop is to bring clarity to an artist's personal vision, then connect that to a plan of action. I find that there is tremendous empowerment when tapping into ones own volition and seeing success rise from it. How do you define success?

Success to me is living the best life you can and becoming an inspiration to others.

GS: Sounds like a Heart Virtue to me!Art is like fashion, it changes and morphs throughout the years. Any suggestions for an artist’s sustainability and final pearls of wisdom?

CB: Stay connected with your art community and do whatever it takes to remain inspired to create.

1.  If you're not making mistakes, you're not taking risks, that means you're not going anywhere. 2. Don't be afraid to ask for help! 3. Trust yourself.

Inspiration is the word! Thank you Christine for sharing your journey, and insight into the world of Career & Professional Development! See you soon!And thank you to all the Career Service professionals who are beacons of light for students everywhere.


Pinterest is one of the new stars of the social media world.Set up an account at You can then start creating boards where you can "pin" photos and videos around a common theme that you find on the Web. This is another way of sharing your story, your lifestyle, and connect to others who love what you love too. I have not started a board yet but Roxana is obsessed and creates some of the most beautiful ones I have seen. Check them out HERE.Here is an article on Copyblogger explaining "56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest."Who is using Pinterest and how is it helping you?

Comic Con Recap

Another year of Comic Con and finding my purpose in it. Go to the Spalenka Eye for more.

Returning to San Francisco

I am honored to be returning to the Academy of Art University in San Francisco to present a two day Artist As Brand workshop.


Academy of Art University

July 7-8, 10:00- 8:00, Saturday/Sunday

540 Powell st. San Francisco, CA 94105

Limited to 20 participants

Do you have stories and visions you want to share with the world? Whether you are a student who is ready to start an art career, a teacher who wants to make income from their creations, or a professional artist who is tired of pumping out work for the film, game, publishing, and advertising industries, this workshop is for you. Get ready for the future of art career sustainability.Come prepared for some serious introspection on personal goals as well as mind bending concepts on perceiving your art career differently. You will learn how to connect with your fans, patrons and collectors directly. I guarantee you will not look at your talent the same way again.

Some testimonials from last years AAB workshop at AAU

“I want to thank you for your dedication and hard work. You are amazing. I believe that small business ventures are essential to the health and wealth of our country. You have found a path through the forest of corporate trees and soon it will be a well traveled road.” -Shelley Masters, Artist, Muralist, Teacher“I’m very thankful to have taken your workshop. I’ve learned so much. I’ve even blogged about you on my artblog check it out" -Diane Pascual, Artist, Writer“Greg’s seminar will provide the spark to get your creative fire burning bright!” -Dan Dion, Photographer“Clarity and direction have been issues for me… The workshop helped me take my broad ideas and narrow them down to manageable starting points.” -Summer Love, Environmental Designer“Thank You Greg!! For planting seeds in my mind for what is possible in developing an art business.” -Cameron Chun, Artist

Kansas City Lights

The Artist As Brand Gang in Kansas City.

May 15-20 in Kansas City, MO was a special week indeed. Not only did I have a rocking group of talented artists who ranged from student to professional, coming from eight states for the Artist As Brand workshop, but Spectrum Fantastic Art Live opened a door to the future of art career sustainability. We had Alex Ruiz from California, David Frizell- Kansas, Tyler Davis-Utah,  Sue Cornelison and Paul Micich- Iowa, John Wagenman- Texas, Tara Chang- Washington, Sean Fitzgibbon- Arkansas, Julio Morales and student Jake Gorman- Missouri.

This was an awesome opportunity for the participants to see how what they learned in the workshop could be applied in an event like Spectrum Live. Arnie and Cathy Fenner did a great job with the convention for its grand opening even though the crowds were on the light side. The future is bright for this event. See more here.

Paul shot video from his iPhone of everyone voicing their core purpose. Your innate purpose, truth, virtue, is the foundation of your being and an attribute we align with in the workshop. It is beautiful and profound.

One of my goals with this work is to bring clarity to your career path. For instance Tyler had difficulty making a decision between teaching full time or focusing on creating his art. He just sent me this email, "I decided to put off large scale teaching until I have a few more years of experience and am going to sell my art products to build my empire!"

Right on brother! Go for it. I am with you!

Artist As Brand at Ringling College

Sarasota here I come! I will be presenting two Artist As Brand lectures at Ringling College of Art and Design as well as performing a two day Artist As Brand workshop. All Florida artists are invited.I am honored to be to speaking at the AICAD and CIAD conferences June 6, and 8 which are being held at Ringling this year. AICAD (Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design) is a consortium of 42 leading art schools in the United States and Canada. CIAD (Careers In Art and Design) is for Career Services professionals who work with artists and designers helping define career goals, direction, and advancement. My goal is to inspire higher education to advance curriculum in the area of independent art businesses.


The Artist As Brand workshop will be held at the Marriott Hotel.

June 9-10, 10:00- 8:00, Saturday/Sunday.

$295 for Ringling students, faculty, alumni.

$395 for all others.


If you are serious about the future of your art career sustainability, this seminar is for you. Come prepared for some serious introspection on personal goals as well as mind bending concepts on perceiving your art career differently. You will learn how to connect with your fans, patrons and collectors directly. I guarantee you will not look at your talent the same way again.