Posts tagged #sdcc
SDCC Panel

Moderated another Artist As Brand, Rise of the Artist Entrepreneur panel discussion at the San Diego Comic Con, with a stellar group of artists, and writers, (from l to r)- Todd Lockwood, Me, Vincenzo Ferriero, Aaron Horkey, Ray Chou, Jess Schnabel, Daniel Monster Davis. A big thank to everyone involved. Many pearls of art career wisdom were shared with a very grateful audience.

Comic Con Table Dynamics

Coming off of another Comic Con I am reminded about the importance of table dynamics on the convention floor. Do I stand out, make a statement with my set up and attract interested people?Every year I re-evaluate my set up.  Am I representing my brand in an authentic manner, is there a hierarchy of importance on the table, how visible is everything, what are peoples reaction, where do they look when they come upon my table.In Artist Alley in San Diego we have a 4' x 24" space to work with. It is very tight. So how the space is utilized on the table,  in back of my chair as well as under the table is crucial.Here is a great post I came across by the WebComic Alliance that offers some great advice.