Posts tagged artist empowerment
Clarity: Artist As Brand

Whenever a new idea is born it is often greeted with awe, disdain or simply, ‘What?’

When the synapses in my brain aligned to create a class on artist empowerment and prosperity, it was crystal clear as to the concept and worth of what I was manifesting. However, the idea of Artist As Brand is so unique to any education taught in any school, college or university out there, so it's understandable that there are some questions about what it is I teach exactly. This post is going to clarify the principles/manifesto of this course (some call it a movement) and exactly what value you will receive from your time and $295 investment.

What is Artist As Brand?

The goal of Artist As Brand is to connect the individual to their purpose, art and prosperity. Connecting your art deeply with your truth creates a mark that is so authentic and profound it embodies a unique power. Align this vision with your individual collectors through targeted marketing techniques and you begin to build a one-of-a-kind art empire that can sustain you financially for the rest of your life.

ARTIST art·ist [ahr-tist]–noun 1. A person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria. 2. A person who practices one of the fine arts. 3. A person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc… A commercial artist. 4. A person who works in one of the performing arts, actor, musician, singer; dancer, public performer. 5. A person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.

BRAND [brand]–noun and verb 1. Kind, grade or make, as indicated by a stamp, trademark or the like. 2. A mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc… 3. A kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic. 4. To impress indelibly. 5. A brand name.

The essence of these two words together can be defined thus: A creator who has made their mark!

Some fine artists scoff at the word brand. Whether you like the word or not, all visionary creators throughout time who have made their mark on humanity are brands. They are remembered for their impact on the collective consciousness of the planet and many are household names. I call the Artist As Brand workshop an artist boot camp because it is highly focused with the intention of aligning and defining (in some instances re-aligning and re-defining) the purpose and direction of an individual's career path. We start deep in the heart and move outwards connecting your talent to your marketing, patrons and collectors so there is perfect alignment.

The knowledge for this workshop is derived from 28+ years working as a professional artist inside and outside of the publishing, film and gallery industries as well as teaching higher education.

The following is an outline of the course and what students will learn and come away with. This is an evergreen online course. Students get lifetime access to the course including all future updates and resources.

MODULE ONE: DECLARE YOUR PURPOSE: You will learn your Core Virtue. Knowing your core virtue is the first step to establishing a foundation which your career is built upon. This intimate part of yourself is a driving force in your life. It goes deeper than your art. Declaring your core purpose aligns your heart with your art in a profound manner.

Design a Personal Logo/Heraldic Shield: You will create a simple image that will represent what you just learned about yourself. It will represent your Core Virtue.

Design a Vision Board: This template is defined by everything you love in your life—what turns you on and keeps you motivated as a unique individual. The Vision Board represents the niche markets that will be your domain and will make up your one-of-a-kind art empire.

Practice The Art of The Blurb: You will learn how to introduce and represent yourself to people. Most artists do not have a clue how to speak with others about who they are and what they do. This exercise is designed to increase your confidence and generate interest in who you are and what you have to offer.

Every workshop includes special lectures by esteemed individuals who encompass the Indie Art Spirit. Guests include art writer Peter Clothier, licensing expert Maria Brophy, social media master and botanical perfumer Roxana Villa.

MODULE TWO: PLAN YOUR BRAND: You will learn to design your art and product line. We will look at artists who are successful in this area and discuss new approaches to making income from your art. We will define what art and products can manifest from your Vision Board.

Create An Innovative Marketing Blueprint: You will learn to create a marketing blueprint that integrates high tech and high touch medias. We look at these two very different but synergistic marketing models. You learn how to best utilize these promotional mediums.

Learn The Simple Yet Powerful Art of Business and Commerce: Are you an art hobbyist or an art professional? This is a short lecture on straight up, common sense business practices. If you are selling art, you are a business. Start acting like one.

Connect With Artist Entrepreneur Leaders: Learn to create a community and hook up with those who are successful in order to keep yourself inspired and in the company of great people.

MODULE THREE: EMPOWER YOUR PROSPERITY: Commit to sustainability. You will design a five-year marketing strategy that takes a serious look at your finances, living situation and overall goals personally and professionally. What is possible? Connecting to your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).

Recognize the Potential of Team Building and The Power of a Mastermind: Your peers can be some of your greatest assets from a personal, professional and moral support capacity. You will start this process right in the class!

Conceptualize a Product Ready for Manufacture: We begin to look at the details of what it’s going to cost in labor, time and materials to create a product from start to finish.

Review: In addition participants will have access to other career enhancing promotional opportunities only available to Artist As Brand students! Some of these details can be found on the ABOUT page. Now you are ready to create your own Art Empire!

I hope this information helped to clarify the purpose and design of my class. Come on and join the Indie Art Revolution! Sign up today! Lifetime access is included and you may complete the class online at your own pace.

See what participants are saying.

To Your Artist Empowerment and Prosperity,



100 Days Without Fear.

Fear can prevent us from living life to the fullest. Often, we get stuck in familiar patterns and never break out of them because staying in familiar territory, no matter how unfulfilling, gives us a sense of safety. The underlying truth, however, is that when we are not living up to our fullest potential, we are allowing fear ( sometimes unconscious fear) to stop us. This can lead to frustrations and resentments and yet, each of us holds the key to our own freedom: The freedom to face our fears and see what’s on the other side!

Michelle Poler, originally from Caracas, Venezuela, is a graduate from the School of Visual Arts. A few months ago, she quit her job as an Art Director to develop what started as a school project and turned into a life-changing experience. Michelle decided to face all of her fears for her project 100 Days Without Fear. She had originally planned to just become a braver person. What she didn’t plan was to inspire millions along the way.

Through her experience facing 100 fears, Michelle Poler learned how we deal with fear, the types of fears we face in life and the process through which we are able to manage the anxieties and accomplish great things.

I hope this video inspires you in your creative journey. The possibilities are endless!

Eye on the Eye of the Arts

-Richard Chang is a journalist, editor and writer serving as Senior Editor for Culture OC and specializing in arts and entertainment. I interviewed him years ago to hear a reporter's perspective on the state of the arts as well as his thoughts on artist sustainability. Surprisingly it still relates to what is happening today.

Greg Spalenka: Could you be considered a champion of the arts, or do you feel your strength and purpose is to focus a critical eye on a subject?

Richard Chang: I document the arts and artists around me, and shed light on efforts that otherwise would not get widespread attention. I’m particularly interested in ethnic American art – Native American, Latino, Asian American, etc.

Personally, I am a champion of the arts, but I’m also a journalist and a critic. I have to be careful not to give the public the impression that I’m frequently taking sides in one issue or another. Even in a highly subjective field such as visual art, it’s important for me to maintain some kind of objectivity. So, while I do share a passion for the arts with my readers and subjects, I have to keep a critical eye and distance to a certain degree. I am not an activist.

GS: What are you committed to? Are you attracted mostly to the arts and entertainment fields or is there another facet you would like to explore?

RC: I love being a reporter and writer. I feel that I was born to do it. I am committed to shedding light on darkness and allowing the truth to find a voice. “Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,” as they say. I am probably most attracted to the visual arts field, but the reality of my job is, I have to pay attention to popular entertainment. We can’t ignore the subjects that most readers want to read about. That includes TV, movies and celebrities. As part of my beat, I do cover independent film.

GS: What is the most amazing form of art you have experienced and written about?

RC: That is a difficult question. I have to say, I’m kind of old fashioned. I love painting. There’s nothing like a fantastic Kandinsky, Basquiat or O’Keeffe. I’ve had the privilege to see and write about each one of them.

GS: How would you describe artist sustainability in terms of historical longevity and in the context of making a living from your art?

RC: As for making a living, it’s undoubtedly a difficult venture. You have to have mentors and advocates. You have to have awareness of the marketplace. It’s good to have champions of your work. You need to be your own champion. Don’t stop working.

GS: Historically artists have used the gallery system as a way to showcase and sell their art. At one time the gallery system was king but that has changed within the last decade. What are some alternatives you have seen?

RC: Obviously, the Internet has had a major impact on the way art is viewed, discussed and even purchased. One can simply go online to see an artist’s work, converse about it and buy a piece or two. There are also websites such as where you can learn more about an artist’s background and participate in online auctions.Still, nothing beats seeing work and meeting an artist in person. Alternatives to the gallery system may be venues (in Orange County, CA) such as the Festival of Arts, the Sawdust and Art-A-Fair, as well as swap meets.

GS: Most art colleges focus on teaching conceptual and technical image making skill sets with an eye on preparing artists for the publishing, gallery, and entertainment industries. Have you seen alternatives to these corporate models? What about the challenges writers face in this regard?

RC: Sure, there are alternatives. Some art colleges focus on basic to advanced visual art skills, without much attention to corporate industries. I’d say the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is a good example.

GS: My question really pertains to venues for selling your art beyond publishing, gallery, and entertainment industries.

RC: Well, as I mentioned above, art fairs and swap meets are viable alternatives. Municipal art centers sometimes have salon shows where you can sell your work. Also, getting your stuff online and selling it there. But make sure the site and company are reputable.For a great account of the conceptual critique class, read the chapter “The Crit” in Sarah Thornton’s “Seven Days in the Art World.” It’s hilarious and illuminating.

As for being a writer, yes, there are professional pressures as well. Don’t we all face them?I think you have to be practical to a large extent, get your stuff published and get paid. Otherwise, you can write all you want, but you won’t make a penny.

GS: However, the publishing world is changing dramatically and traditional income outlets for writers are disappearing. What are some alternatives to getting paid from your writing without going through the established publishing industry? For instance how could you, Richard Chang thrive financially doing what you love now without working for Culture OC or similar publishing venue?

RC: An alternative to the established publishing industry would be self-publishing a book or writing for a blog or website. Unfortunately, very few blogs and websites actually pay. If one has considerable Internet know-how, one can create one’s own website and collect revenue through advertising. But that takes a lot of work, much of it not related to writing. I imagine the Internet will play a bigger and bigger role for writers, as mobile devices take over the world, and the printed word becomes more and more obsolete. The writing field is changing constantly, and the news isn’t always great for writers -- or content producers, as they’re sometimes called.

Editors Note- Substack and other online platforms have the option for paid subscriptions, not available during the date of this interview.

GS: It appears sometimes as if the changes are coming faster! I have observed over the last two decades the walls breaking down between the so called fine art world and popular art culture. What is your opinion of this evolution?

RC: Honesty, I think it’s great. Art needs to grow and expand. In order for a field to stay relevant, it has to evolve, change, adapt and take on new movements. How does it benefit the artist?It benefits the artist because there’s no longer a strict definition limiting what an artist can do or be. He or she can do or be anything.

GS: Lastly, please offer some pearls of wisdom for artists and creative souls everywhere.

RC: It may sound cliché, but follow your heart. Follow your passion, your vision. Fulfill your destiny. Don’t let the naysayers get you down. Remember, rejection is part of the process. Persevere. Enjoy the process. The journey is just as important as getting to your destination.

The Illusion of Fear and Security

Whenever artists decide to go it alone, make their own way,  fear comes along for the ride.

As freelancer for so many years I understand where this fear comes from. The goal of being secure in your finances, being safe in general  (food, clothing, shelter) are real considerations and pounded into our brains since we were kids. However fear is also an illusion. What would it feel like if the concept of security was an illusion too? Would it freak you out?

We live in an unpredictable world. What I have learned over these many years of going it alone is that security is an illusion. Making friends with that reality brings a sense of freedom and empowerment. I can do what I can in this moment to live in my highest potential and reap the fortunes of what life has to offer. It is a mind set most people are not used to.

The following is short post by Chris Guillebeau that touches on this concept too:

“Micro-entrepreneurship is changing the world. The best opportunities in the new economy are centered on creating your own assets. It doesn’t matter who wins a U.S. election, at least not in terms of how the economy affects you. No matter what happens, the unemployment rolls will continue to be full. Perhaps even worse, many people will remain underemployed by working at jobs that offer few benefits and little opportunities for advancement.

Speaking of opportunities, however, there are now more than ever before. It’s never been easier to take matters into your own hands. All over the world, people are thinking differently about risk and security, and many of them are taking action on their new perspectives. This is a good thing.

What is risky? Whether you work a “real job” or strike out on your own, relying on someone else is risky. What is secure? Creating your own freedom through side projects, independent work, instant consultancies, and creative self-employment of all kinds. What is freedom? The ability to make your own choices. Ultimately, freedom relates to value, which is taking responsibility for yourself by making something valuable for someone else. More...

Prosperity Consciousness

Creating Prosperity Consciousness

I am a firm believer in balancing mind, body and spirit in love, art and life. Mind and body are generally first in line for attention, but it is the spirit– with its subtle, underlining influence that keeps us inspired. Spiritual principles can be a tricky subject with people especially if they are atheists, but I think we can all agree that there are universal laws, and intelligent energies in this reality even though we may not understand them completely.

Paramahansa Yogananda was a yogi from India who came to America in 1920 to open people's minds and hearts around the concept of a divine essence that is in everything, and how we can access this power for our well being and others. There is a well done film on him called, Awake

Here are some edited excerpts from one of his lectures about the superconscious mind and prosperity:

Abundance, material as well as spiritual, is a structural expression of rita, cosmic law or natural righteousness.... Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy. 

If you feel love for all the world’s inhabitants as for your own family, recognizing no inner difference between any of the outwardly different nationalities, then you are establishing a legitimate astral right to your share of earth’s capital.

Those who seek prosperity for themselves alone are in the end bound to become poor, or to suffer from mental inharmony; but those who consider the whole world as their home, and who really care and work for group or world prosperity, activate astral forces that lead them ultimately to the place where they can find the individual prosperity that is legitimately theirs. This is a sure and secret law.

Whether one prospers is not dependent solely upon one’s creative ability, but also upon his past actions, and on his present efforts to activate the astral law of cause and effect. If mankind as a whole behaved unselfishly, the power of that law would distribute prosperity equally to all men, without exception. Those who by potent good thoughts and actions rouse this astral power to create positive prosperity succeed wherever they go, whether they are in prosperous or poverty-stricken environments.

There is a way to overcome the unfavorable results of past actions. The causes of failure must be destroyed and a new cause for success set in motion. Contact the superconscious source of success and prosperity. The conscious mind alone cannot initiate a new cause that will bring positive success in any direction; but when the human mind attunes itself to God, in the state of superconsciousness, it can be sure of success; for the superconscious mind is in tune with this unlimited power.

Absolute success signifies the power to create at will what you need by developing your unlimited superconscious power.  Western brothers and sisters need to learn that the mind is greater than its inventions. 

...learn that money without health and peace is not success, and that peace and health without money for necessities do not make a complete or successful life. 

Exercise the manifesting power of affirmation. must eradicate from your mind all thoughts of limitation and poverty. Universal Mind is perfect and knows no lack; to reach that never-failing supply, you must maintain a consciousness of abundance. Even when you do not know where the next dollar is coming from, you should refuse to be apprehensive. When you do your part and rely on Spirit, you will find that mysterious forces come to your aid and that your constructive wishes soon materialize. 

Affirmation: “I am always rich, for I have access to the Cosmic Storehouse. I will go forth in perfect faith, in the power of Omnipresent Good, to bring me what I need, at the time I need it.” 

Too Damn Busy

“In our obsession with optimizing our creative routines and maximizing our productivity, we’ve forgotten how to be truly present in the gladdening mystery of life.” – Maria Popova

When was the last time someone you know complained about not having enough to do? 

“Busy has a dangerous allure. If your normal is busy, it’s tough to sit quietly with your thoughts or to really feel what you’re feeling,” writes Dina Kaplan in “The Cult of Busy. ”

It appears that most of us are busier than ever before, yet not feeling fulfilled or as hopeful. Do you feel that you are working harder to make a living than maybe your parents or your grandparents did? Keeping some balance is important to keeping our sanity. Here is a great article by Ryan Stevens Marketing that dives into some of the reasons why we are so busy these days and ways to keep it from burying us. 

Break on Through to The Other Side

You know the day destroys the night

Night divides the day

Tried to run Tried to hide

Break on through to the other side


Welcome to my Blogging Ensemble!

*In the early days of Artist As Brand® I would create these blogging ensembles with other talented individuals to expand the reach of our reader base. It worked amazingly well. This is an older one from 2010, but it all stills rings true! Check it out and remember when it comes to promotion, your community of like minded individuals can be a powerful tool.

I have invited some amazing bloggers, art writer/author Peter Clothier, artist licensing expert Maria Brophy, champion of the handmade Nicole at Lillyella, San Francisco painter Anna L. Conti, and popular art culture icon Miss Mindy to expound upon a subject which strikes fear in the hearts of most people in this country: creating a living outside the confines of the corporate world. It takes some courage and a plan, but it can be done! Read how to break on through to new possibilities in the links below.


I remember having conversations with my Dad when I was studying at Art Center College of Design about what my plans were going to be after graduation. My Dad had worked for many years as a salesman for a plastics company. "Well Dad," my mind raced, "I am learning how to take my drawing and painting skills to another level of expertise... I am learning how to conceptualize..."

He would interrupt me, "But what are you going to do when you graduate?" I muttered something about magazines and newspapers and then quickly change the subject, "How about them Dodgers?!"

The idea that I would "freelance" was a scary proposition to my Dad, and frankly to myself. My Dad was a salesman but he still received a salary. Going your own way takes a certain amount of boldness, courage, and rebel entrepreneurial spirit. Making a living this way takes a lot of hard work, self volition, and bill shuffling until you get off the ground.

The benefits of this model help you gauge the value of your worth more directly, shows you how your career is advancing, and allows more flexibility as well as freedom to make changes. The corporate world is like a drug. It is easy to get comfortable with a check that enters your bank account every two weeks. The company sets your work time, job tasks, schedules, lunch time, goals and deadlines. Security never felt so good.

When I lived in New York City in the 1980's my neighbors who were corporate cohorts working downtown in Wall Street, could not imagine how anyone made a living freelancing. I distinctly remember them shivering when they said to me, "We could never do that!" The fear was tangible.

I created illustrations for Time, Sports Illustrated, Fortune magazines and was awed when I would walk into the 48-story Time Life building, with it's large murals by Josef Albers and Fritz Glamer in the lobby. The editors, art directors, and staff were amazing people who headed these prestigious publications for years. The Time Life empire of 28 years ended over night when Time Inc. and Warner Communications merged in 1989, becoming Time Warner. Within a short month or two the hundreds of talented people that staffed these magazines for decades were gone. Security was an illusion. Freelancing was a dance with the corporate world that had it's advantages until the economy shifted or the industries (like publishing) that I relied upon faltered.

It really was my renewed interest in the San Diego Comic Con (in 1990) that opened my eyes to the concept that artists of all kinds could make a living outside the corporate machine. Here writers and artists were forging a new model of artist sustainability with their own products. I saw my many years as a freelancer dependent on corporate America, transform into an independent art empire built by my fans and collectors. 

Now I teach others how to become empowered with new possibilities. Pulling away from a corporate paradigm that has been ingrained in our brains since we were very small is a challenge. However there are many successful creative individuals who have broken through stereotypes imposed on them through family, education, the media. Break on through to success as you define it. Become the industry of your dreams.

Peace and prosperity!

Read the other uplifting and fascinating posts here-

Persist: The Blog

Maria Brophy


Miss Mindy

Working Artist Journal


Fear prevents us from living life to the fullest. Through her experience of facing 100 fears, Michelle Poler learned about the types of fears we face in life, and the process through which we are able to manage anxieties and accomplish great things.

Michelle Poler, originally from Caracas, Venezuela, is a graduate from the School of Visual Arts. What started as a school project turned into a life-changing experience. Her project, 100 Days Without Fear started with the plan to become a braver person. What she didn’t plan was to inspire millions of people along the way.

This was a project from 2015 but its spirit of empowerment is timeless.

  • In progress...

The new revamped Website, Workbook, Online Workshops, Forum, are still in the works. Thank you for your patience. Looking at a fall launch.

Artist As Brand® Workshops are coming to Santa Fe! Classes will be presented at the School of Lost Arts (website coming soon), and for high school students at Warehouse 21. You will absolutely love coming here to Santa Fe to take classes.

Lastly, a workshop is in the works to coincide with the San Diego Comic Convention in July. Stay tuned.

Online Class

I am creating an Artist As Brand® Online Class. This comprehensive course will be akin to my college level classes, but entirely online. Posts for this website are on hold until the course is available, which is slated for early 2018.The AAB website will return with a new design and purpose. I will still be available for consultations and one on one workshops during this time. I shall be updating the progress over the next few months.Keep living in your art spirit!


Fear prevents us from living life to the fullest. Through her experience facing 100 fears, Michelle Poler learned how we deal with fear, the types of fears we face in life, and the process through which we are able to manage the anxieties and accomplish great things.Michelle Poler, originally from Caracas, Venezuela, is a graduate from the School of Visual Arts holding a master's degree in Branding. A few months ago, she quit her job as an Art Director to develop what started as a school project and turned into a life-changing experience.Michelle decided to face all of her fears for her project 100 Days Without Fear. She planned to become a braver person by the end of the 100 days, what she didn’t plan was to inspire millions along the way.

Be The Next You

"Entrepreneur" is an incredibly powerful word. Many people, especially those for whom the corporate world is anathema, can't imagine being anything but an entrepreneur.Gates, Jobs,  Zuckerberg come to mind, with artists not so much, but James Jean, Mark Ryden, Jeff Soto are a few that might. We may compare ourselves  to these other people's success, but that does not really serve us. Be authentic, be YOU.Read more about authenticity in this article, Don't Try to Be the Next Steve Jobs. Instead, Be The Next You, by Jeff Hayden.

SDCC Panel

Moderated another Artist As Brand, Rise of the Artist Entrepreneur panel discussion at the San Diego Comic Con, with a stellar group of artists, and writers, (from l to r)- Todd Lockwood, Me, Vincenzo Ferriero, Aaron Horkey, Ray Chou, Jess Schnabel, Daniel Monster Davis. A big thank to everyone involved. Many pearls of art career wisdom were shared with a very grateful audience.

Create It Instead

This post is two fold in that the concept of creating a job is more fulfilling than finding a job and using Facebook sponsored ads to get your message out can be a nice synergy.I am big fan of niche marketing and core audience participation. Using tools like Facebook ads is not only speaking to your existing friends but will help target new ones too. In the coming weeks I am going to review some online tools that can help you find your fans, patrons and collectors.Check out this post on 5 Tips for Success with Facebook Ads for now.

Too Damn Busy

“In our obsession with optimizing our creative routines and maximizing our productivity, we’ve forgotten how to be truly present in the gladdening mystery of life.” – Maria Popova

When was the last time someone you know, over the age of 18, complained about having too little to do? 

“Busy has a dangerous allure. If your normal is busy, it’s tough to sit quietly with your thoughts or to really feel what you’re feeling,” writes Dina Kaplan in “The Cult of Busy.”For instance, I have been so busy it has been difficult keeping up with these posts. Of course most of us are working harder than ever before to make a living. Keeping some balance is important to keeping our sanity. Here is a great article by Ryan Stevens Marketing that dives into some of the reasons why we are so busy these days and ways to keep it from burying us. 

Prosperity Consciousness

Creating Prosperity Consciousness

I am a firm believer in balancing mind, body and spirit in love, art and life. Mind and body are generally first in line for attention, but it is the spirit– with its subtle, underlining influence that keeps us inspired. Spiritual principles can be a tricky subject with people especially if they are atheists, but I think we can all agree that there are universal laws, and intelligent energies in this reality even though we may not understand them completely.

Paramahansa Yogananda was a yogi from India who came to America in 1920 to open people's minds and hearts around the concept of a divine essence that is in everything, and how we can access this power for our well being and others. There is a well done film on him called, Awake

Here are some edited excerpts from one of his lectures about the superconscious mind and prosperity:

Abundance, material as well as spiritual, is a structural expression of rita, cosmic law or natural righteousness.... Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy. 

If you feel love for all the world’s inhabitants as for your own family, recognizing no inner difference between any of the outwardly different nationalities, then you are establishing a legitimate astral right to your share of earth’s capital.

Those who seek prosperity for themselves alone are in the end bound to become poor, or to suffer from mental inharmony; but those who consider the whole world as their home, and who really care and work for group or world prosperity, activate astral forces that lead them ultimately to the place where they can find the individual prosperity that is legitimately theirs. This is a sure and secret law.

Whether one prospers is not dependent solely upon one’s creative ability, but also upon his past actions, and on his present efforts to activate the astral law of cause and effect. If mankind as a whole behaved unselfishly, the power of that law would distribute prosperity equally to all men, without exception. Those who by potent good thoughts and actions rouse this astral power to create positive prosperity succeed wherever they go, whether they are in prosperous or poverty-stricken environments.

There is a way to overcome the unfavorable results of past actions. The causes of failure must be destroyed and a new cause for success set in motion. Contact the superconscious source of success and prosperity. The conscious mind alone cannot initiate a new cause that will bring positive success in any direction; but when the human mind attunes itself to God, in the state of superconsciousness, it can be sure of success; for the superconscious mind is in tune with this unlimited power.

Absolute success signifies the power to create at will what you need by developing your unlimited superconscious power.  Western brothers and sisters need to learn that the mind is greater than its inventions. 

...learn that money without health and peace is not success, and that peace and health without money for necessities do not make a complete or successful life. 

Exercise the manifesting power of affirmation. must eradicate from your mind all thoughts of limitation and poverty. Universal Mind is perfect and knows no lack; to reach that never-failing supply, you must maintain a consciousness of abundance. Even when you do not know where the next dollar is coming from, you should refuse to be apprehensive. When you do your part and rely on Spirit, you will find that mysterious forces come to your aid and that your constructive wishes soon materialize. 

Affirmation: “I am always rich, for I have access to the Cosmic Storehouse. I will go forth in perfect faith, in the power of Omnipresent Good, to bring me what I need, at the time I need it.” 


I like to say that your newsletter is a package of goodies that you send straight to your fans mailbox. The goal is to have the receiver open and even more importantly, want to open your email messsage and then actually read it. We are bombarded by so much info these days that newsletters that we sign up to receive can get passed over quickly.There are techniques to keeping our newsletters relevant and a must see piece of infotainment. Here is a great article from Elle & Company on ways to spice up your mailing list and raise subscribers’ excitement when they see an email from you sitting in their inbox. Go here.